Thursday, March 19

It's called ''Kifarah''

Assalam & hello!

So its been a while eh? lol. I got some experience to share with u guys, i mean i don't want you guys to make the same mistake as i did. As we all know we are living in a world which isnt fair and ''what you do you got back'' and people called it KARMA. NO IT'S NOT KARMA, IT'S CALLED KIFARAH. Tak belajar sejarah form 4 ke? Kan ada dia tulis dekat situ karma untuk Hindu. So hati hati lah kalau nak cakap tu. Kalau kau islam, kau cari dulu asal usul makna tu. Sahih ke tak. Heshtek a friendly reminder. 

Okay about kifarah, aku nak share ah experience ni kan. Ada moral value dia k0 sabar jap. So it all started masa 3112 aoki was doing her stuff in class as she is the penolong kelas lol. Dalam 42 orang dalam kelas, this one guy that NEVER tegur aoki so like cam heh she doesnt mind pun. Mungkin budak pendiam minding his own business. And that particular day, aoki punya classmate tegur..

Faliie : weh ada orang suka kau
Aoki : ni mesti nak kenakan aku kan? takpayah ah
Faliie : sumpah *sambil angkat tangan macam nak ikrar* tapi kau diam diam je dah la do. Dia sama kelas dengan kitaorang. Dia tak pernah tegur kau hahahaha
Aoki : siapa? ......................  OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! KENAL!!!! eeeeeee hhahahahahahahahahah 
Faliie : kau kenal kan hahahahahahahahhaha
Aoki : ha ah lmao kelakar lah dah la bye nak balik ni

 So while aoki was on her way home, dia terfikir jugak lah. And the next day of school it was kind of awkward sebab bila terserempak dengan that guy, and dua dua malu kucing. Haktuihhh. Day by day, that guy, dez, dia beranikan diri tegur his crush. Makin lama makin rapat. They were pretty close sampai orang ingat dah couple (i mean close as in rapat tegur tegur macam tu bukan pegang sana sini pelishhh) so about 4 or 5 months dorang dah in a relationship. He is a funny guy and dia selalu belanja aoki and sanggup teman aoki. Dez loves her with all his heart and hoping that aoki feels the same way too but damn aoki why.. Dah 2bulan in relationship and aoki was transmitted to the hospital and her mood ke laut. And that time jugak, dez text. The conversation was getting bored, balas macam taknak balas. And aoki broke up with him. JUST LIKE THAT AFTER ALL DIA DAH BANYAK BELANJA TEMAN AND AOKI FREAKING BROKE UP WITH HIM (tak hargai langsung) 

The next following year, Aoki felt guilty and decided to tegur dez and apologise. Out of the blue dez's friend send and email and said:



And aoki text dez. And dez pun balas kata siap ajak getback lagi SEBAB KESIAN AOKI GETBACK DENGAN DEZ & TAK SAMPAI BERAPA HARI KOT AOKI BROKE UP DENGAN DEZ(AGAIN) idk what's her problem though. And mabe sekarang korang ingat dia minding her own business kan? NOPE AFTER BERAPA HARI IDK DIA IN RELATIONSHIP DENGAN ORANG LAIN. I cant even imagine how broke dez's heart is. I feel sorry for him though. I mean he should get over aoki and find someone who appericiates his presence. But how he loves her and so he waited for her. But aoki's relationship didnt last long though. To aoki, that was the longest relationship she ever been with. She also had a hard time to get over her ex. But how dumb aoki is, never realise that there is someone who truly loves her, for the way she is.  And after a while, about 3 months after aoki's failed relationship, aoki managed to contact dez back. Dez was expecting that the same thing tak jadi lagi, how malang his nasib is. Aku yang type ni, rasa emotional pulak hahaha ok. Back to the story, kali ni bukan salah aoki. I'm not too sure who's fault is it but aoki terasa dengan kata kata dez so aoki merajuk. The next day she knew that dez blocked her dekat wiziapp. Dia tertanya jugak lah salah siapa? apa dia buat? So she send a long freaking text dkt dez hoping he would read it. But krik krik. 

On the same year jugak, on november if i'm not mistaken. Kawan lama aoki contact balik, he was in boarding school so bila cuti tu balik lah. Idk how but aoki and her old friend, kai, suka sama suka and end up in a relationship. Aoki was freaking happy but at the same time it's kind of sad because kai has to go back to his boarding school at South. So they cant meet that often. They spend their time most on the phone and when kai got home, they spend their time for like a day in a month. Only if kai knows how aoki feels. The relationship with kai last about 5months 14days. Aoki was sad like there's no esok. She end up with a major depression and doct diagnosed her ada schizofrenia. Since then, she was sad and that made her friends upset because aoki was a happy go lucky girl but since her failed relationship with kai, she was no longer the '' happy go-lucky-kind-of-girl" Took about 9months to get over kai. But it's hard. You know how it feels kan bila nak get over someone, but then so much memories kept haunting u in ur mind.... Everyday as aoki bangun pagi, dia selalu check keadaan kai sihat ke tak dia tu. By ''check'' i mean, stalk. And again her heart bagaikan kaca terhempas ke batu ceh lol. As Aoki stalk, she found out that kai dah in relationship with someone. It seems to kai cam senang sangat je nak lupakan seseorang tu. And then aoki teringat dekat dez. ''Mungkin ni dez rasa after all i did for the for the past few years. Baguslah aoki selama ni kau tak perasan ada orang lagi sayangkan kau, kau nak jugak cari yang lagi ''better'' Apa kau dah buat aoki? '' How she drowned in her regrets. So after a loooooooooooooooonnnnnngggggggg day asik rasa sedih je, aoki decided to turn over a new leaf. Dia delete numb kai, she tries her hardest to get over him and hoping that one day she can deeeeeplllyyyyyyy apologise to dez and explained. 

Ha kau nampak kan cerita ni macam kena balik kan? Yes. Yang pasal aoki tu, dez apologise to aoki, but the real deal here is aoki yang kena mintak maaf. And u know what, dez still tunggu aoki sampai now i guess? She wondered why did dez still tunggu, and dez cakap that he still have feelings for aoki. Wow man, after all she did and you still have feelings for her i mean just wow massive respect for you. Aoki did learn her lesson but she promised herself that she doesnt want to be in a relationship with anybody. She had enough making people suffer secara tak langsung. So the moral value is, betul lah orang kata apa kita buat sekarang someday kita kena balik. Tak kira baik atau buruk. Kalau baik, alhamdulillah. Kalau buruk, nanti jadi cam aoki or maybe lagi teruk. Senang cerita kan, takpayah in a relationship lol but if u currently in a relationship, my advise is kalau sayang that someone, jaga lah leklok and freaking be honest to one another. Dont make people suffer. And kalau ada buat salah maybe dengan ex ke apa, there is no harm done kalau kita mintak maaf sebab sakitkan hati dia. At least kita mintak maaf kan, so saya akhiri dengan terima kasih sebab sanggup baca post yang panjang lebar ni. Also i apologise, post sebelum ni banyak pulak typo haha. Okay thanks!